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Writer's pictureCourtneyB

The Greenwood Poet by Lancelot Schaubert

Updated: Mar 18, 2023

Rating: 4 Stars

Release Date: July 25, 2023

Format: E-book

Publisher: Vale

About the Book:

The Greenwood Poet spent two years spelunking the archive, grounds, and barrows of Greenwood Cemetery — America's oldest and greatest rural cemetery. While there, he uncovered stories of love and loss, stories of shipwreck and tragedy. And he met several Fae creatures who had something to say about New York city. Written mostly in heroic meter with a couple breaks for spoken word and Renaissance meters, The Greenwood Poet calls us to return to the Arcadia in our own neighborhood.


Greetings from Tokyo! It felt fitting to write this post in the place I read this book. Most of my reading took place on trains and the metro and it was perfect for it. The poems were great bit sized portions for reading of the train and made it such a pleasant experience.

My favorite poem out of the bunch was Threnody for Granny, I might be biased because it had my name but I could feel the emotion the author was feeling while writing it. I loved the imagery and the sadness that comes from writing about someone you love who has passed. Beautifully written and I know these poems will stay with me for life.

Final Thoughts: Overall, I love the theme of poems all written in one location, you can tell how much the author cared about Greenwood and the impact a location can have on your life and the lives of others.

Disclaimer: Thank you Netgalley and Vale for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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