Rating: 5 Stars
Release Date: 1867
Format: E-book
Publisher: Apple Books
This has been a long time coming!
Those of you who know my reading habits know I have a fear of big books. So this year, I thought to push myself outside of my comfort zone I would read the biggest book I know, and thus came my FOUR-month journey of reading War and Peace.
At over 1,300 pages I was sure this novel would drag on and on and I would hate it but honestly, the opposite happened! I found myself loving these characters and seeing the highs and lows of their life and how they would all connect and intertwine with one another. At some points it honestly felt like I was reading a script for a reality tv show there was so much drama and backstabbing that occurred. By being with the characters so long you really get a sense of who they are and understand that non of us are perfect.
The only part that I could have done without was the final epilogue, it was FULL of Tolstoy’s thoughts and feelings that went like 5 chapters too long. Other than that I really enjoyed myself and am really proud that I was able to complete this Monmouth of a novel and actually enjoy myself in the process.
Final Thoughts: I would not suggest this book to everyone but if you really want to push yourself to read this classic I would encourage you to do so even if you choose to not read that last section!